'Toler' and 'Thrower' will be matched but 'Toer' will not be matched
Step-by-step explanation:
LIKE operator is used in where clause to find a pattern usually with wildcards '%' and '_'
- '%' represents possible characters
- '_' represents single character
for example select ... where .. name LIKE 'd%' matches all names starting with the character d and continue with any or no characters
select ... where .. name LIKE '_d%' matches all names starting with any character and has 'd' in the second position and continus with any possible characters.
Thus, SELECT empID from personnel WHERE lastName LIKE 'T%o_er' statement selects all employeeID's of the personnel whose last name Starts with T, continues with any possible characters and ends with the o, then any character, and 'er'.
Therefore 'Toler' and 'Thrower' will be matched but 'Toer' will not be matched because 'Toer' does not have a character between 'o' and 'er'.