The Bay of Pigs occurred between April 15th to April 18th, 1961. On April 15 the Cuban exiles flew eight bombers to Cuba, aiming for Cuba’s air force. On April 16 Castro officially said that Cuba was a socialist country. On April 17 1,400 exiled Cubans landed at the Pay of Pigs for an invasion. They were attacked by Cuba’s air force. On April 18 a supply ship was sunk, leaving the invaders with no supplies. On April 19th these troops were defeated by Castro's forces. President Kennedy would have seen this as a major loss. His role in planning was minimal. Much had been planned by the CIA and under the predecessor, President Eisenhower. However, Kennedy did permit the attacks. He also made the critical decision to not send more airstrikes the 17th as it would have been more obvious of the USA's direct involvement in the conflict. This decision proved to be damaging to the invaders.