Description of capitalism and Ngoni migration.
Step-by-step explanation:
Capitalism is the system where the ownership of production is in the hands of private entities. Wage labour, private property etc are the features of capitalist economies. In a capitalist economy every wealth owner has decision-making authority in the market and prices of goods and commodities in the market are determined by the competition in the market.
By the begining of the 19th century different tribes in the Zulu kingdom of South Africa got into wars to gain power. This led to the Zulu wars. Ngoni was one tribe that belonged to the Zulu kingdom.
They are the followers of Zwagendaba, a leader who got defeated in the Zulu wars. The Ngoni tribe were skilled in warfare and they kept on migrating towards North. Ober twenty years they migrated from South Africa to Tanzania.
This is called Ngoni migration.