The answer to the algorithm is given below:
Step-by-step explanation:
#Define a set to keep track of the locations of the paintings.
location = {l1, l2, l3, l4, …, lk}
#Sort the set of locations.
#Define a set to keep track of the positioned guards.
set P = {NULL}
#Define a variable to keep track of
#the location of the guard last positioned.
curr_guard = -infinity
#Define a variable to access the
#locations of the paintings.
i = 0
#Run the loop to access the
#location of the paintings.
#Since the location set has been sorted, the paintings
#are accessed in the order of their increasing locations.
while i < k:
#Check if the current painting is
#not protected by the current guard.
if location(i) > curr_guard + 1:
#Assign a guard to
#protect the painting.
curr_guard = location(i) + 1
#Add the guard to the set
#of the positioned guards.
P = P + {curr_guard}
#Increase the value of
#the variable i by 1.
i = i + 1
#Define a variable to count
#the number of guards placed
count = 0
#Run the loop to count
#the number of guards.
for guard in P:
count = count + 1
#Display the number of guards
#required to protect all the paintings.
print ("The minimum number of guards required are: ", count)