c. Portion of FICA taxes, Unemployment Taxes and any Voluntary Deductions
Step-by-step explanation:
Payroll deductions are amounts that an employee deducts or withholds from an employee's gross earnings for different purposes. These deductions are categorised either mandatory or voluntary. Mandatory deductions are mainly taxes including FICA taxes, unemployment taxes and income tax, pension contributions among others. Voluntary deductions include dues such as union and uniform dues among others.
FICA represents Federal Insurance Contribuion Act and it is a federal payroll contribution statutorily paid by employees and employees specifically to help the fund federal programs such as social security and healh care for people with disabilities and retirees among other.
Unemployment Taxes
These are taxes that are contributed to a fund for paying unemployment benefits to employees that have been laid off from their jobs and not those who voluntarily left their jobs. The State Unemploymet Tax is to be paid only by employers while the Federal Unemployment Tax is also to be paid by employees.
Any Voluntary Deductions- these are union dues and other dues that the employee is aware of and agrees to its payment.