We have the equation:
3 ÷ 68 = 0.044117
Calculated to 6 decimal places.
How far do you want to calculate the decimal places for the answer? Here are some examples:
31 divided by 16 = 1.937500 calculating to 6 decimal places
31 divided by 16 = 1.937 calculating to 3 decimal places
22 divided by 15 = 1.466666666 calculating 9 decimal places
22 divided by 15 = 1.466666 calculating 6 decimal places
22 divided by 15 = 1.466 calculating to 3 decimal places
Note that this is not the same as rounding to a specific number of decimal places. For example, 22 divided by 15 = 1.466 when calculated to 3 decimal places because you stop once you reach the third decimal place. On the other hand, 22 divided by 15 = 1.467 when rounded to 3 decimal places. In order to round to the third decimal place you must calculate to at least the fourth decimal place so that you know how to round the third decimal place
Hope This Will Help!!!!! :) :)