1- Colonial period --- period of British settlement in North America
2- Revolutionary Era --- period close to the Declaration of Independence
3- Age of Jackson --- period of great expansion in the United States
Step-by-step explanation:
1- England, France and the Netherlands began to colonize North America in the late 16th century. The first attempts failed, but successful colonies were soon established. The colonists who came to the New World were by no means a homogeneous mix, but rather a great variety of different social and religious groups who settled in different parts of the country along the coast. The Quakers in Pennsylvania, Puritans in New England, the gold-thirsty settlers in Jamestown, and the prisoners of Georgia came to the new continent for vastly different reasons, creating colonies with equally diverse social, religious, political, and economic structures. During the same period, France established its own colonial area in North America, New France, which stretched over a larger territory than the English.
2- On April 19, 1775, a detachment of the British army left Boston and headed inland. The soldiers sought a weapon hiding place and were ordered to arrest some local notables. In Lexington they clashed against a small group of the local militia. Continuing the march, the British ward met a larger militia ward at a bridge in Concord and was rejected. On their return to Boston, the military was the target of numerous sniper shots.
This was the Battle of Lexington and Concord, the result of a dozen years during which the political conflict between the colonies and the Parliament of the United Kingdom had become increasingly serious. With these clashes began the American Revolution.
On May 10, 1775, the Second Continental Congress, made up of representatives of the Thirteen Colonies, met for the first time in Philadelphia. Congress immediately began organizing a federal government system for the associated colonies, taking over the functions previously performed by the King and Parliament of Great Britain and ordering the various colonies to draw up state constitutions. Congress appointed George Washington to head the Continental Army and sent him to Boston, where the local militia was besieging the British garrison.
After a year of war, congress proclaimed the independence of the United States of America from Great Britain.
3- The Jacksonian Era lasted from the elections of 1828 until the 1850s, when slavery became the central theme of US politics that eventually precipitated a violent civil war in the United States that would dramatically change politics in the country.
The economic policy content of the Jacksonian Democracy served its supporters to reject rapid economic change, which they felt had a negative impact on their daily life. Against this background, they mistrusted the power of banks and an increasing involvement in a market economy and a federal government that favored both of these developments.