Had Gita and Lale met in a more conventional way, would they have developed the same kind of relationship?
Answer: In different circumstances, their relationship would probably have been different.
Step-by-step explanation:
The Tattooist of Auschwitz is a story about Lale Sokolov, a Slovakian Jew who arrives at Auschwitz-Birkenau concetration camp in 1942. He is forced to work as a tattooist - to permanently mark newcomers at the camp. This is how he encounters Gita, a young woman he fells in love with.
His relationship with Gita is obviously a strong one, as they managed to preserve it in such horrible circumstances. If they had met in a more conventional way, they would have probably ended up together, but we cannot tell for sure what their relationship would look like. Their relationship was largely influenced by this ill-fated situation. Because they met as prisoners at Auschwitz, they did not know whether they were going to wake up alive the next day. They spent every moment as if it was their last moment together, and thus their relationship became quite strong.
How did their circumstances change the course of their romance?
Answer: The tragic circumstances brought them closer together and motivated them not to give up.
Step-by-step explanation:
As their relationship became stronger, Lale and Gita had a reason to wake up each day. They shared a common dream - to escape the camp and live happily ever after. Circumstances in which they found themselves motivated them to plan their future and to dream together.
Moreover, Lale and Gita grew fond of each other over a relatively short period of time. There were few occasions in which Lale was able to prove his love to GIta - he helped her when she was ill, brought her food and medicines and found her a better job in a warmer place, inside the building. It was probably enough for Gita to realize that Lale is always going to look after her back.