For tis exercise we have to write the number accroding to the spelling
Step-by-step explanation:
In each question there is number written, we have to change it to numbers
1. Here we have to follow the sequence of number from 1 to 29 from two to two
uno, tres, cinco, siete, nueve, once, trece, quince, diecisiete, diecinueve, veintiuno, veintitres, veinticinco, veintisiete, veintinueve
2. Here we have to follow the sequence from the number 2 to the number 30 from two to two
dos, cuatro, seis, ocho, diez, doce, catorce, dieciseis, dieciocho, veinte, veintidos, veinticuatro, veintiseis, veintiocho, treinta
3. Here we have to complete the sequence from three to three
tres, seis, nueve, doce, quince, dieciocho, veintiuno, veinticuatro, veintisiete, treinta
4. In here we have to complete the sequence from back
treinta, veintiocho, veintiséis, veinticuatro, veintidos, veinte, dieciocho, dieciseis, catorce, doce, diez, ocho, seis, cuatro, dos, cero
5. In here we have to make a countdown from 30 to 0 from 5 to 5
treinta, veinticinco, veinte, quince, diez, cinco, cero
6. In here we have to make a countdown from 28 to 0 from 4 to 4
veintiocho, veinticuatro, veinte, dieciseis, doce, ocho, cuatro, cero