- Helicase unzips DNA to separate strands.
- Topoisomerase unwinds the coiled DNA.
- Primase lays down short RNA strands.
- Polymerase synthesizes new DNA strands.
- The new strands are glued using ligase.
Step-by-step explanation:
DNA replication is the process responsible for forming new DNA molecules, through the action of several enzymes and a DNA molecule that will serve as a template for the creation of two molecules.
DNA replication is extremely important and happens whenever the cells go through a cell division process, since each new cell must contain its own DNA molecule.
It is important to note that DNA replication is a process that follows a specific order of steps that are coordinated by the action of the enzymes responsible for replication. The steps occur in the following order:
- Helicase unzips DNA to separate strands.
- Topoisomerase unwinds the coiled DNA.
- Primase lays down short RNA strands.
- Polymerase synthesizes new DNA strands.
- The new strands are glued using ligase.