Look at the Explanation part. I've given the answer there!
Step-by-step explanation:
1. affirmative action : g. A policy that favors groups that have historically faced discrimination. In USA, this can be seen as the non-white minorities such as african americans, latins and asians. Certain quota's and legal support are available to such communities.
2. Bay of Pigs : e. Landing site of 2,000 armed Cuban exiles who were tasked by the U.S. to ignite a popular uprising throughout the island country.
As fidel castro and the communists were solidifying their power in Cuba, USA wanted them gone as Cuba's alliance with Communist Russia could be deadly to the US national security.
3. black power : a. A philosophy of racial empowerment and distinctiveness as opposed to assimilation into white culture. However, this movement was not seen as peaceful and conservative but rather as extremist.
4. Community Action : h. A sponsored idea of Johnson's Office of Economic Opportunity, these were efforts to involve members of poor communities themselves in the planning and administration of programs designed to help them
5. Cuban missile crisis : c. 1962 tensions between the U.S. and Soviet Union over the expansion of Russian nuclear weapons into the Western Hemisphere. Russia tried to put missile bases in Cuba, their new ally who is extremely close to USA (russia's worst enemy then) placing Russian missiles in Cuba would have given Russians a strategic advantage over USA in international politics.
6. freedom rides : d. Attempts by interracial groups of students, traveling by bus throughout the South, to force the desegregation of bus stations. During this period, even the public transportation was segregated and there were separate buses for white and non-white people.
7. Freedom Summer : f. A 1964 voter registration program throughout the South, primarily in Mississippi. In Mississippi, most of the african americans were not registered to vote. The campaign aimed to raise the awareness among african americans the importance of voting.
8. George Wallace : b. Outspoken defendant of segregation and governor of Alabama who tried to block the admission of black students to the University of Alabama in 1963. George Wallace was a firm believer in Segregation and believed that it is a right of the people to decide to segregate themselves from other communities and people.