- This professional helps patients with impairments and disabilities build back their mobility, functional ability, and movement: Physiotherapist.
- This professional helps patients with breathing: Pneumonologist.
- This professional examines and cleans the teeth and mouth, performs preventive treatments, and helps educate patients: Odontologist.
Step-by-step explanation:
- A physiotherapist or physical therapist is a health care professional, with about 4 years of training, with the ability to prevent, diagnose and treat processes that affect a patient's mobility or physical ability.
Physical therapy techniques include physical therapy and rehabilitation, with the primary goal of preventing, maintaining, and recovering a patient's motor function, without the need for pharmacological therapy.
- Pneumonologist: is a medical specialist who evaluates, diagnoses and treats processes related to the respiratory system, especially the lungs and pleura. The goal of pneumonology is to treat any disease that affects respiratory function.
- Odontologist: is a branch of health sciences that deals with any disease of the teeth and oral cavity, including gums, mucosa, palate and jaw joint. It has the ability to perform minor surgical procedures and also deals with the prevention of diseases of the dental field.