47.75 %
It is a very well known issue that in Standard Normal Distribution porcentages of all values fall according to:
μ + σ will contain a 68.3 %
μ + 2σ will contain a 95.5 %
μ + 3σ will contain a 99.7 %
However it is extremely importan to understand that the quantities above mentioned are distributed simmetrically at both sides of the mean, that is, the intervals are:
[ μ - 0,5σ ; μ + 0,5σ ]
[ μ - 1σ ; μ + 1σ ]
[ μ - 1.5σ ; μ + 1.5σ ]
So we have to take that fact into account when applying the empirical rule. Then
With mean μ = 47 and σ = 10 is equal to say
values between 47 and 57 ( μ + σ ) we are talking about the second interval, but just half of it.
Then the approximate porcentage of light-bulb replacement requests is
95.5 /2 = 47.75 %