If the genotype of the parents are Iᵃi and Iᵇi, then four type of offspring will be produced.The genotype of the offspring are, IᵃIᵇ, Iᵃi,Iᵇi, and ii.
Step-by-step explanation:
IᵃIᵇ = As the alleles are co-dominant in nature, so both type of alleles are expressed. The blood group will be AB. So, both A and B type of antigen will be found in plasma membrane of RBC.
Iᵃi= In this type of genotype only A type of antigen will be expressed in the membrane of RBC. The blood group will be A type.
Iᵇi= In this type of genotype only B type of antigen will be expressed in the membrane of RBC. The blood group will be B type.
ii= This is a recessive type of genotype. So, no antigen will be found on the membrane of the RBC. And the blood group will be O type.
The offspring's ratio will be 1:1:1:1.