//Method declaration taking a parameter called myString of type String
public static boolean isEmailAddress (String myString){
//checking the @ character exists in string
if (myString.indexOf("@") != -1) {
//checking if only one instance of @ exist in the string
if (myString.indexOf("@") == myString.lastIndexOf("@")) {
//checking if there's no space character
if (myString.indexOf(" ") == -1) {
//checking if there's no newline character in the string
if (myString.indexOf("\\") == -1) {
// checking if there's no tab character in the string
if (myString.indexOf("\t") == -1) {
return true;
return false;
Step-by-step explanation:
The method takes in a string which is supposed to be an email address and checks if it is a valid email, it returns true if it is a valid email and returns false if not. the method checks the following conditions along the way.
->If "@" exists
->If there's only one "@" in the string
->If space character does not exists
->If newline character does not exists
->If tab character does not exist
it returns true if all the conditions are true.