When you create an original work and put a Creative Commons attribution license on it, you are still the copyright holder - TRUE.
In order to be a copyright holder you must register with the U.S. Copyright Office - FALSE.
Step-by-step explanation:
When you create an original work, you are automatically protected by the copyright law. Creative Commons is a license that you attribute to your work and thus, you still hold all the copyright rights. There are many types of Creative Commons licenses, for example, where you can give users rights to do anything they want with your ‘work’, but you will still be the copyright holder.
You are the copyright owner of your created original work, from the moment you create it. Registering it with the U.S Copyright Office is not needed to have copyright protection. However if you want to file an infringement lawsuit to protect your work, that you created within U.S borders, then you need to register it with the U.S Copyright Office.