Answer: renaissance means "re-birth" which means that European re-discovered ancient Roman and Greek culture, became aware of longtime repressed aspects of human nature and life (pleasures, nature, sensual aspect of life, body) including induviduality or autonomy. At the same time it was a moment of inflated European "ego" which was expresses in discoveries overseas. In painting Giotto di Bondone is referred as a beginning of renaissane. In philosophy there was a Florence renaissance Platonism (Pico della Mirandola, Marsilio Ficino), alchemy and medicine (Paracelsus), utopianism (Francis Bacon, Tomasso Campanella, Thomas Moore), reformation (Luther, Melanchton, Calvin), science was opening to nature and experimentation (Francis Bacon in "Novum Organon, Leonardo da Vinci), in architecture (Brunelescchi). Discoveries overseas took place southward (Vasco da Gama getting to the Cape of the Good Hope) and westward (Columbus). There are also great epic works versing about discoveries (Camoes). Renaissance was open to improbable discoveries and was closing with the emergence of counter-reform !
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