See the answer and explanation below, please.
Step-by-step explanation:
The formulas and names of the compunds are:
Na3 P04 (Sodium Phosphate )-->The phosphate suffix corresponds to the highest number of phosphorus oxidation (+5)
Zn PO4 (Zinc Sulfate)-->The phosphate suffix corresponds to the highest number of phosphorus oxidation (+5)
KN03 ( Potassium Nitrate)-->The nitratete suffix corresponds to the highest number of nytrogen oxidation (+5)
Fe 2 (C03)3 (Iron (III) Carbonate / Dihydrous Trioxide / Ferric Carbonate)-->The carbonate suffix corresponds to the highest number of carbon oxidation (+4)
Pb (Co2)2 (Lead carbonate (IV) / Lead trioxocarbonate (IV)))-->The carbonate suffix corresponds to the highest number of carbon oxidation (+4)