The python program to define a function def miles_to_laps() that takes a number of miles as an function argument and returns the number of laps is given below:
#defining the function miles_to_laps
def miles_to_laps(num_miles):
#returns the value
return num_miles/0.25
#defining the variable num_miles for user-input
num_miles=float(input("Please enter the number of miles: "))
#x1 holds the function value
#format function is used to display the results in the given format
print("{0:.2f} miles is {1:.2f} laps".format(num_miles,x1) )
Please enter the number of miles: 7.60
7.60 miles is 30.40 laps
Step-by-step explanation:
- Using the def keyword to define the function miles_to_laps() with function argument num_miles.
- The function will return the number of laps(1 lap is equal to 0.25 miles).
- The input() function will prompt the user to take the number of miles as input and store it in the variable num_miles.
- The x1 variable holds the function value.
- Using the format() function inside the print() function to display the result in the given format.