A)Reason for intraocular pressure to increase
Intraocular pressure increases due to blockage in the outflow tract of the aqueous humor(trabecular meshwork). The movement of fluid is regulated by the pressure change.
B)elevated intraocular pressure lead to:
The elevated intraocular pressure leads to damage to the optic nerve. This happens in glaucoma, in which damage in optic nerve can be seen, which can also cause vision loss.
C) possible consequences of this condition
Damage to the optic nerve will lead to blindness. This is also related to glaucoma, in which the fluid pressure increase and leads to damage in optic nerve.
D) The function of eye drops used for therapy.
The eye drops will cause constriction of the dilator pupillae, leading to increased outflow of the aqueous humour. The drop may also inhibit the carbonic anhydrase enzyme leading to decreased formation of the aqueous humour.