All the Questions are Important to Understand the Audience and Anticipate its Reactions
Step-by-step explanation:
How can I relate this information to my listeners’ needs?
The Audience is made of listeners who are there because they have a learning need, so breaking down the presentation and tailoring it to speak to the need of the listeners is key to an impactful presentation. If the terms and examples used are ambigious it will be difficult for the audience to relate
What is the educational level of my audience?
The educational level of the audience determines the grammatical make-up to be used in the presentation. It also determines the contextual language to be used for the presentation. The language for academics will be different from that of factory floor workers due to difference in the level of education for instance.
How do I incorporate smart art in my presentation?
The incorporation of smart art in the presentation is also a contextual issue, it involves organising smart arts that are easily relatable for the auidence. Statisticians will do better with bar charts, pie charts and histograms while Medical Practitoners for instance will do better with anatomy charts and diagrams amongst others.
What does my audience already know about my presentation topic?
What the audience know about your presentation helps to decide where to start and ensure that quality time is saved or the basic terminologies are covered in order to adequate carry the people along.
How many people will be in the audience?
A larger audience means quite a number of things from anticipating a level of distraction, to expectiing a mixed crowd with varying levels of understanding and comprehension. A smaller audience may help keep things strictly contextual and more intimate language can be adopted.
What will help to make my points most effective: facts, statistics, or anecdotes?
Facts, Statistics and Anecdotes are important to drive home controversial and salient points in a presentation. It means the presenter is not just speaking, he or she is speaking with knowledge and can defend the statements or facts given in the presentation. They also make a presentation colourful and more relatable.