Answer and Explanation:
1. The International Monetary Fund, is a financial international organization, it was built at the end of World War II in order to help raise the economy of some countries.
2. Their main functions are to help countries in need of financial support, lending them money and also intervining in the financial organzation of a country.
They also control and follow the steps of the economic and political situation of the countries that are members of this organization. They promote internationl economic cooperation, also support trade, and promote employment.
3. The main surce of its influece is the Wolrd Bank. The World Bank is a multinacional organization that help undeveloped countries with financial assistence.
4. Conditionality is the condition of loaning money to a country. IMF loans money, under the condition of intervining in economic policies in order to fight the fanancial problems, and so it garantees the paying the dept of the loan. The economic measures involve social and political consecuences.
5. US has so much influenced because after WWI, it controlled two thirds of the world's wold gold. When the world economy was debastated and agreement was stablished among some countries, in which dolar would become the currency by which the Internatinal monetary system would work. US proposed that both dollar and gold would sostein the economy of the system.