Step-by-step explanation:
We want to calculate Vo(t) starting from t = -2ns. Assume the initial condition for Vo at t = -2ns is 5 Volt. (a) Plot Vo(t) and Vin(t) together on the same plot for -2ns < t < 10ns. (b) Once the Vo(t) waveform is obtained, you can solve for τ pLH and τ pHL by setting Vo( τ pLH ) and Vo( τ pHL ) to 2.5 using FindRoot . (c) Plot Ids(t) and Isd(t) for -2ns < t < 10ns on the same plot. Calculate the energy dissipated during this one-cycle period by integrating (i) power generated by Vdd, isd(t)*5, and (ii) power dissipated both NMOS and PMOS, Isd(t)*(5–Vo(t)) + Ids(t)*Vo(t) over the one-cycle of operation.