5 votes
Suppose there is a class AirConditioner. The class supports the following behaviors: turning the air conditioner on and off. The following methods are provided for these behaviors: turn_on and turn_off. Both methods accept no arguments and return no value.

"There is a reference variable my_ac to an object of this class, which has already been created. There is also a variable status, which has already been initialized which refers to a bool. Invoke a method of this object using the reference variable, asking the object to tell whether the air conditioner is on or off, and store the result in status."

1 Answer

5 votes


Firstly, create an AirConditioner class inside a file named as AirConditioner.java. This is important to make sure the class name match with the file name.

  1. public class AirConditioner {
  2. private boolean status = false;
  3. public void turn_on()
  4. {
  5. this.status = true;
  6. }
  7. public void turn_off()
  8. {
  9. this.status = false;
  10. }
  11. public boolean getStatus()
  12. {
  13. return this.status;
  14. }
  15. }

Next, create another file named as Main.java. This is where we are going to include a Main method to create an object of AirConditioner class and get the air conditioner status. The codes are as follows:

  1. public class Main {
  2. public static void main(String[] args) {
  3. AirConditioner my_ac= new AirConditioner();
  4. boolean status;
  5. my_ac.turn_on();
  6. status = my_ac.getStatus();
  7. System.out.println(status);
  8. }
  9. }

Step-by-step explanation:

The codes presented above are written based on the question requirements.


Line 1:

  • Create an AirConditioner class

Line 3:

  • A property status is defined. This is important to track the status of an AirConditioner object.

Line 5 -8 and Line 10 -13:

  • Create two required methods turn_on() and turn_off(). Both of them accept no arguments and return no value.
  • The only job done by this two methods is to change the status property to either true (on) or false (off).

Line 15 - 18:

  • The getStatus() method is to return the current status of the AirConditioner object to the Main method in main.java.


Line 5-6:

  • Within the Main method, create an object of AirConditioner and assign it to a reference variable, my_ac
  • Create the status variable as a boolean variable.

Line 8:

  • Use reference variable my_ac to invoke turn_on() method to change the status of the AirConditioner object to true
  • Use the same reference variable my_ac to invoke getStatus() method to get the current satus of the AirConditioner object and assign it to the status variable.

Line 11:

  • Print the status of AirConditioner Object in terminal
User Oneira
6.1k points