The correct answer is A: Otto von Bismarck
Step-by-step explanation:
Otto von Bismarck (1815 – 1898 ) was a German statesman who united 25 German states into the German Empire. After the unification, he became the first chancellor of the German Empire in 1871.
Bismarck supported the philosophy of Realpolitik, that is, the idea of practical government, based primarily on power. He used the Realpolitik to reorganize political, military, economic and other relationships in the 19th century to manipulate and improve the German Empire.
Bismarck was strongly convicted that a united German nation, led by Prussia, was the most important objective of the state to resolve many conflicts, including the conflict between the increasingly liberal parliament and the king. Because of that, Prussian King Wilhelm I named him prime minister of Prussia in 1862.