The solution code is written in Java. This is because Java is a type-strict language that enable us to assign a specific data type (e.g. float) to the variable that match the problem scope stated in the question.
- public class Main {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- float temps[] = { 12.1f, 5.4f, 8.9f, 3.2f, 15.5f };
- float avg_temp;
- float total = 0;
- for(int k = 0; k < temps.length; k++)
- {
- total += temps[k];
- }
- avg_temp = total / temps.length;
- System.out.println(avg_temp);
- }
- }
Step-by-step explanation:
Firstly, declare a temps array with float type and assigns it with a random set of temperature values (Line 5). All the random temperature are float values (decimal numbers).
Next, declare another two variables avg_temp (Line 7) and total (Line 8) with float type. The avg_temp will hold the average of temperatures from the array whereas the total will hold the total temperatures.
Prior to calculating the average temperature, we need to get the total of temperature. This is done by creating a for-loop and iterate through each element from the array and add it to the variable total (Line 10 -13).
Once we get the total of temperature, divide the variable total with the length of the array temps (which is equivalent to the number of temperature values in the array) and assign it to variable avg_temp ( Line 15).
At last, we can print out the value of avg_temp to verify the output (Line 17).