1 . Durable good - able to last a long time .
2 . Collapsible - able to be broken down or folded.
3 . Amiable - natured; friendly .
4 . Accessible - able to be reached .
5 . Despicable - deserving of contempt or scorn; vile .
6 . Attachable - able to be tied or bound to something .
7 . Edible - fit to be eaten.
8 . Eligible - fit to be chosen .
9 . Divisible - able to be divided .
Step-by-step explanation:
1. Durable is the state of longevity, long lasting condition of anything. It denotes the good quality of the thing which makes it endure and usable for a very long time.
2. Collapsible is the ability for anything to be broken down or made smaller in order to save space. Collapse means to be broken down, thus collapsible is to be made into smaller size so as to be easily manageable.
3. Amiable means to be on good terms with each other. The relationship or condition between two people is amiable means they are friendly and in a good relation, with no enmity between them.
4. Accessible is for something that can be reached or accessed. To be accessible to something is to get to that thing, to get a hold of, to be able to reach.
5. Despicable means to be vile, unpleasant, contemptible. It is a negative trait of someone which means that the person is bad, scornful, hateful.
6. Attachable is something that can be added or attached to anther thing. it means the condition of being bound to something, joined with, or linked with.
7. Edible is the condition of something as good for eating or consumption. it gives the possibility of something as being safe enough to be eaten or consumed.
8. Eligible is the condition of someone or something as fit for the position. It denotes the fit-to-be-chosen condition of the thing or individual for any of the requirement.
9. Divisible is the condition of being in a position to be divided or separated. It enables the thing to be divided or further expanded into smaller units.