Less than:

Equal to:

Greater than

Scientific Notation
When a number is too large or too small to be expressed in decimal format, we use scientific notation. A number in scientific notation consists of a coefficient, a base (usually 10) and the exponent. The magnitude of the coefficient must be greater than one and less than 10. The exponent is an integer and can be positive, negative or zero. Examples of numbers in scientific notation are:

The number given in the question is 5,200,000,000. Counting from the rightmost zero up to the 5, there are 9 places. It's the exponent. The coefficient is the number with the decimal point in that very place:

Numbers with less exponent or with the same exponent but less coefficient will be smaller than the above. There are 3 of them in the options:

First, two have a smaller exponent and the last one has a smaller coefficient with the same exponent
Only one number is equal to the given number. Of course, it's the very same

are greater than our sample number