It's customary in the modern world to begin courtship with the presentation of flowers. Of course, flowers are also pretty useful if you majorly mess up and you need to apologize. And they're good for mother's day, weddings, and funerals, as well as proms and homecomings. We really use a lot of flowers. Why do we do that?
This story of floral design, or the decorative use of plants, has an ancient history. In Western societies, we can actually trace this practice all the way back to the ancient Egyptians. Of course, that immediately poses an interesting question: how do we know what kinds of flowers Egyptians liked? Floral design has been such a part of our history that the design patterns were preserved in murals of Egypt, mosaics of Rome, frescoes of the Renaissance, and written descriptions across time. We like our flowers in Western society. After all, it's an artistic tradition we've been developing for millennia.
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