Answer:North, South, East, West are the Cardinal directions and Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, Southwest are the intermediate directions.
Naming the principle and intermediate compass points is called Boxing the Compass. The 32 main and intermediate points are:
1 North
2 North by east
3 North-northeast
4 Northeast by north
5 Northeast
6 Northeast by east
7 East-northeast
8 East by north
9 East E
10 East by south
11 East-southeast
12 Southeast by east
13 Southeast
14 Southeast by south
15 South-southeast
16 South by east
17 South
18 South by west
19 South-southwest
20 Southwest by south
21 Southwest
22 Southwest by west
23 West-southwest
24 West by south
25 West
26 West by north
27 West-northwest
28 Northwest by west
29 Northwest
30 Northwest by north
31 North-northwest
32 North by west
Step-by-step explanation: