- Henry was selective in his use of data; he used only the data that supported his hypothesis. Irresponsible.
- Joanna aims to develop a scientific product that will improve people's lives. Responsible.
- Kevin combined data from two unrelated experiments in an effort to impress his instructor. Irresponsible.
- Alisha uses credible research to publish a report about the negative effects of getting insufficient sleep. Responsible.
Step-by-step explanation:
It is irresponsible for Henry to use only data that supports his hypothesis. To prove that a hypothesis is true, data that can bring the hypothesis down has to be used too.
Joanna is doing a very responsible action by trying to develop a product that can help and improve society.
Trying to impress your instructor by combining two unrelated experiments, is an irresponsible act because you are not researching or formulating a hypothesis to help the society you are doing it for the wrongs reasons and it is not helping anyone.
Using credible research to publish a report is a responsible action because the information is accurate and reliable.