Step-by-step explanation:
Cash: generally classify cash as a cuffent asset Cash conststs of coins, currency, and available on deposit at the bank Cash the most liquid of as*ts, is standard medium of exchange and fre basis for meas_wtng and accountmg for all other items
Cash quivalents: cash equivalents are short-term, highly liquid investments that are both readily convertible to known amount of cash.
Accounts Receivable: Receivables are clams held against customers and others for money, goods, or services
Short term investments: Investments for one year or less called as short-tem investments
Long-term assets: Long-term means more than one accounting cycle period
Items Accounts
a) Coins and currency Cash
b) U S treasury (government) bonds Cash equivalent
c) Certificate of deposit (matures in 5 months) Short term investment
d) Cash in a bank that is in receivership Account receivable.
e1) NSF check ( Returned with bank statement)(if uncollectible) A loss if uncollectible
e2) NSF check ( Returned with bank statement)(if collectible) Accounts receivables
f1) Deposited in foreign bank (exchangeability limited )(if not expendable) Other assets, if not expendable.
f2) Deposited in foreign bank (exchangeability limited )(if expendable) Cash if expendable for goods and services in a foreign country
g1) Postdated checks (if collection expected within one year) Short term investments
g2) Postdated checks (if collection expected within beyond year) long term investments