Correlation does not imply causation
Correlation is a statistical technique which shows how strongly a pair of variables are linearly related and change together.
Causation says that the change in one value will cause the other to change, making one variable dependent on the other.
Examples of correlation with causation are:
a) ice cream sales and summer temperatures
b) forest fires and summer temperatures
An example of correlation without causation is ice cream sales and forest fires. While they both increase as temperatures increase, ice cream sales are not CAUSING the forest fires.
From the information available it can be suggested that there is a correlation between sexual intercourse within a month prior to delivery as there is a higher number of fetus deaths to mothers who had sexual intercourse within a month prior to delivery. However, there is no information which shows the sexual intercourse caused the deaths. Additionally, 89% of the mothers of fetuses who died DID NOT have sexual intercourse within a month prior to delivery, thus even the correlation is weak in this case.