WE have to organize the sentences according to the audio, from the first one to the most recent one
Step-by-step explanation:
This order is based in some questions that are asked. We are supossed to arrange the sentnces into the correct order, starting with the first event, and ending with the last one.
1. ¿Cuándo te caíste? Me caí la semana pasada jugando al tenis.
Tengo dolor de cabeza y fiebre. (When did you fall down? I fell down last week when I was playing tennis.
2. ¿Por qué vas al médico? Porque tengo gripe. (Why do you go to the doctor? Because I have the flu.)
3. ¿Adónde llevaron a Juan después del accidente? Lo llevaron directamente a la sala de emergencia. (Where did they take Juan after the accident? They took him directly to the emergency room.)
4. ¿Adónde debo ir para conseguir estas pastillas? Debes ir a la farmacia. (Where should I go to get these pills? You must go to the pharmacy.)
5. ¿Tienes mucha tos? Sí, tengo mucha tos por las noches. (Do you have a lot of cough? Yes, I have a lot of cough at night.)
6. ¿Tienes fiebre? 8. No sé. Todavía tienen que tomarme la temperatura. (Do you have a fever? I don't know. They still have to take my temperature.)
7. ¿Cuáles son sus sintomas señor? Tengo dolor de cabeza y fiebre. (What are your symptoms sir? I have a headache and fever. )
8. Ayer no te vi en clase de biología ¿Por qué? No fui a la clase porque estaba (I was) enfermo. (I did not see you in biology class yesterday Why? I didn't go to class because I was sick.)