- Kyle, 67 mph
- Cooper, 62 mph
Their difference in distance is 87.1 -80.6 = 6.5 miles. Since their difference in speed is 5 mph, it took them (6.5 mi)/(5 mi/h) = 1.3 hours to achieve that separation.
Kyle's speed is 87.1 mi/(1.3 h) = 67 mi/h.
Cooper's speed is 80.6 mi/(1.3 h) = 62 mi/h. (5 mi/h slower)
Kyle is driving 67 mph; Cooper is driving 62 mph.
Alternate solution
The ratio of their speeds is 87.1/80.6 = 67/62. The difference in ratio units happens to equal their difference in miles per hour, so their speeds must be 67 and 62 miles per hour.