what do you think it means, Read it back ten times, and go down and see what stands out from what you did and didn't see in the first time or times you have read it, but personally I'd say that this poem means: In the first stanzna of its saying can u save my heavydirtysould- (Asking for someone to help them with love or a certain issue) my mind is growing full (Meaing as to eduacting themselves to being more knowlegable) of all the way too old (Is to means as buy just beacuse you know a lot don't mean you can't learn more stuff) self destructvive questions ( going down the rabbit whole of finind the horrible truth) I've alwauys had a hold on (Thus means that they keep lagging on something that they lag at in life and need to do) Just wanting to have won (Won in life susscces) Before I was deemed done (As to their life is over and put to waste) With every single person.. everyone in my mind i had only just began (They have a lot of people to think about who or whom they might let down) The constant rining just mutes my singing (This part means that soemthing or one is drawing towards them and thier tunes) Brining sorrow just like tommorow (So this person already knows that the next day isn't going to be any different) like all i will ever know is the feeling of being hollow (They only know this feeling)
Step-by-step explanation: