lysosomes are in charge of digesting old organelles/metabolic wastes
Step-by-step explanation:
Among the different cellular organelles, we can find the lysosomes. These are a kind of vesicles, surrounded by a membrane, that originate in the Golgi complex. These vesicles contain hydrolytic enzymes in their interior, isolated from the rest of the cellular content due to their harmful action. Hydrolytic enzymes are involved in different molecules or substances degradation, such as proteins, polysaccharides, nucleic acids, and lipids. These enzymes are useful to digest material of the intern origin (the cell wastes) or of external ones (strange substances that might enter the cell), requiring an acidic environment for their optimal performance. The internal lysosome environment provides a pH of about 5. The lysosomic enzymes hydrolyze any macromolecules found in a living cell. When they escape from the vesicle, they might cause severe damage, which is reflected in rigidity and inflammation of the organsĀ“ tissues. Rheumatoid arthritis and gout are related to these enzymes scapes. When a cell is damaged and can not be repaired, lysosomic enzymes are in charge of its autodegradation.
Lysosomes are in charge of
- eliminating and recycling cellular wastes,
- storing digestive enzymes that provide nutrients to the cell,
- destroying viruses and bacteria that enter the cell,
- participating in the process of cell autophagia or autodegradation.