For this exercis we have to complete the sentnces with the correct words according to the context
Step-by-step explanation:
In this exercise we have to use vocabulary related to illnesses and ailments.
1. El estado de ánimo de Juan no es bueno. Tal vez tenga una fuerte depresión. (Juan's mood is not good. Maybe he has a strong depression.)
2. Mi padre sufre de tos porque fuma demasiado. (My father suffers from a cough because he smokes too much.)
3. Este invierno voy a ponerme una inyección para prevenir el virus de la gripe. (This winter I'm going to get an injection to prevent the flu virus.)
4. Si ustedes comen mucho van a engordar demasiado. (If you eat a lot you will get too fat.)
5. Marta adelgazó muy rápido. ¿Crees que tenga anorexia? (Marta lost weight very fast. Do you think she has anorexia??