A kinship unit is a unit that is more than a family i. e it is a social unit related through real and putative ties and not just biologically( although they are formed through blood relationships ) it is a very strong organized unit one way it can be formed is through marriages while a consumption unit is a unit used to compare several households based on the level at which they consume certain commodities they might not necessary be related
Step-by-step explanation:
A kinship unit is a unit that is more than a family i. e it is a social unit related through real and putative ties and not just biologically( although they are formed through blood relationships ) it is a very strong organized unit one way it can be formed is through marriages while a consumption unit is a unit used to compare several households based on the level at which they consume certain commodities they might not necessary be related Biologically
The difference between Kinship and consumption unit is important because it helps one to understand the difference between a Family relationship ( (kinship )and a house hold not biologically related ( consumption unit )