I believe this question clumsily misleads and reinforces already dangerous racial stereotypes within people, it comes from the stale idea of "race" being a condition or factor to clasify humans which is not, due it has no basis on sound taxonomic evidence or biological knowledge; meaning "race" doesn't exist but as an improper social construct; what influences physical traits is basically genetics, and although DNA heredity oftenly plays a role in it, genetic variations are random; moreover the most updated anthropological findings states that Africa is the cradle of human kind, meaning all humans are of African descent.
Therefore, recognizing such statement, is falling into those clumsy stereotypes; global society has evolved and such features or physical traits in humans can be found pretty much everywhere globewide now; such inaccurate statement wanders etnicity issues, which social group the beholder identifies her/himself with and how much such individual has traveled worldwide.
In summary I would say that sharing physical traits or features doesn't necesarily define etnicity.