Old Phoe-nix comes up with many problems in her journey from the Valley to the Wag-on track which she overcomes with strong will and determination.
Step-by-step explanation:
A Wo-rn Path is a short story written by Eu-dora Wel-ty. The story is about the journey of an old woman to a rural area because she needs to find medicine for her grandson.
Along her journey from the Valley to the town, she faced many problems.
The first problem faced by her was the har-sh and cold weather conditions. Old Pho-enix was old so for her to face such cold weather was the first obstacle.
Then she came across the fence which she cannot climb over because she is old. But because Old Pho-enix was determined she faced this obstacle also very wisely and crossed it by crawling beneath the fence.
The last challenge that she faced was the Scarecrow which she thought to be a ghost.
Old Pho-enix faced all these obstacles in her journey which starts from the Valley up to the town. She faced it with her strong will and determination.