From 1800 to 1850, there were four major parties in the United States.
During the first two party system era, the two main parties were:
- The Federalist Party - led by Alexander Hamilton. They supported central banking, a strong federal government that could implement a unified foreign policy, for example: pursuing strong relations with Britain. They were also an elitist party who favored the views of property-owning men who were wealthy and cultured.
- The Democratic-Republican Party - led by James Madison and Thomas Jefferson, they were strongly in favor of republicanism and felt that a strong central government was a menace for the republic. They also opposed central bankiing for the same reason: they felt that giving all monetary power to Washington D.C weakened the republic. They did not favor strong ties with Britain.
The next era was the second party system, the two main parties were:
- The Whig Party - led by Henry Clay, they favored the supremacy of Congress over the President. They were also strongly in favor of republicanism. They opposed central banking, but promoted protectionism, industrialization and scientific progress.
- The Democratic Party - founded by Andrew Jackson, they were in favor of a strong executive and a weaker congress. They supported central banking but opposed industry. This is the same Democratic Party that currently lives to this day.