Both Odysseus and his son Telemachus displayed self-control, humility, tactic and bravery in dealing with difficult situations.
Step-by-step explanation:
Odysseus the main character hatches a plan to escape from the Cyclops. He gave Cyclops wine to get him to sleep and told them their name as nobody. This shows the sense of humility in Odysseus despite of having enormous wealth and power in Ithacha. Odyssey never left his self-control in difficult situations and performed the difficult task of blinding the Cyclops with hard stake when he was asleep. Moreover, Odysseus’s and his men clinged to the sheep bellies in the morning when the sheep were taken out for grazing. Hence, the escape of Odyssey from Polyphemus shows his wisdom, tactics and self-control to decide the right thing.
Odysseus’s son Telemachus was also of noble blood and did not became the master of Odysseus’s home and wealth in his absence. When he get to know that Odysseus is still alive, he went on a dangerous journey to find him. He proved himself a worthy son who has humility and is brave like his father. He practiced self-control in times when he came to know about his father’s death and take care of his father’s fortune modestly.