Step-by-step explanation:
Here is my source: It was important to free the haze of the Dark Ages and to build on the Middle Ages. In the early 1300s man started to look to classical writing of the Greeks and Romans, known as the classics. The revival of learning had begun. As a result schools were established.
Two scholars who were a part of the Renaissance awakening in the field of philosophy were Petrarch and Erasmus. Francesco Petrarch ( 1304– 1374) was an Italian student of the classics of Greece and Rome. He taught that man was able to reason, to will his own thoughts and behavior, and could perceive solutions for himself. Petrarch looked at the hill near his town, and, instead of using the metaphor of the hill as striving to get to the top, he saw man as at the top looking down at the world.
The scholar Desiderius Erasmus ( 1469– 1536) spoke out against rigid church dogma. Disobedience meant performing penitential deeds. Erasmus wanted people to think for themselves and to decide what was right and do it freely.
This attitude allowed people to teach more freely and was the birth of the freedom in thought and worship found in the United States today. The work of the Renaissance thinker also gave birth to sociology and psychology.