15. electrons
16. electrometer
18. Transformers
24. Power
Step-by-step explanation:
- The fundamental charges in nature are electrons and protons.
- The electrons have negative charges and protons have positive charges.
- The proton with similar other protons forms the nucleus of an atom. Mostly it doesn't exist freely in nature. it is not easy to knock out a proton from an atom.
- Whereas, the electrons were present in the outer sphere if the nucleus of an atom.Compared to a proton, It is easy to remove an electron from an atom.
- So, if an object gains some electrons, it acquires some charges.
- The amount of such charges can be measured using a device called electrometer.
- The flow of electrons is associated with energy. This energy is called electrical energy and it can be converted into other forms of energy.
- The rate at which electrical energy is converted to some other forms of energy is called electrical power.