Answer: No, Y1 and Y2 are not independent
Because they don't satisfy this condition:
FsubscriptY1Y2(Y1,Y2) = FsubscriptY1(y1) × FsubscriptY2(y2)
... for all given values of Y1 and Y2
This is the condition for independence.
How do we know that Y1 and Y2 don't satisfy this condition?
We use the information in the Joint Probability Distribution Table.
Let's see if the condition stands when Y1 is zero and Y2 is zero
FsubscriptY1Y2(0,0) = 0.38
FsubscriptY1(0) × FsubscriptY2(0) = 0.76×0.55 = 0.418
We can see that 0.38 is not equal to 0.418
Doing the test for any other combination of Y1 and Y2 values will give unequal figures as well.