For this exercise we have to complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb ser or estar.
Step-by-step explanation:
The verbs ser or estar (to be) are commonly used to express specific situations, although they are similar in English, in Spanish, according to the context they have different meanings and intentions.
For example the verb SER is used to express permanent situations, things that do not change such as nationality, age, occupation, physical appearance and personality. On the other hand the verb ESTAR is used to express temporary situations or things that change, such as states, feelings and locations.
They are conjugated like this:
Yo soy, estoy (I am)
Tú eres, estás (You are)
Usted/ella/él es, está (He is, she is)
Nosotros somos, estamos (We are)
Ustedes son, están (You are)
Ellos/ellas son, están (They are)
1. Tenemos que salir ahora mismo.
Nostros estamos listos. (We are ready)
2. Carmen no viene a trabajar por una semana.
Ella está enferma (She is sick)
3. El señor Gómez tiene mucho trabajo.
Él está ocupado. (He is busy)
4. Mi profesor de historia tiene 25 años.
Él es joven. (He is young)
5. No debes comer las peras (pears) ahora.
Las peras están verdes. (They are unripe)