Statements Y and Z.
Step-by-step explanation:
The Van der Waals equation is the next one:
The ideal gas law is the following:
where n: is the moles of the gas, R: is the gas constant, T: is the temperature, P: is the measured pressure, V: is the volume of the container, and a and b: are measured constants for a specific gas.
As we can see from equation (1), the Van der Waals equation introduces two terms that correct the P and the V of the ideal gas equation (2), by the incorporation of the intermolecular interaction between the gases and the gases volume. The term an²/V² corrects the P of the ideal gas equation since the measured pressure is decreased by the attraction forces between the gases. The term nb corrects the V of the ideal gas equation, taking into account the volume occuppied by the gas in the total volume, which implies a reduction of the total space available for the gas molecules.
So, the correct statements are the Y and Z: the non-zero volumes of the gas particles effectively decrease the amount of "empty space" between them and the molecular attractions between gas particles decrease the pressure exerted by the gas.
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