Cuando Elena 1. era niña, ella 2. jugaba con muñecas y bloques y 3. leía muchos libros. También, Elena y su madre 4. cantaban mucho. Ella era tímida cuando 5. iba al patio de recreo pero 6. le gustaba jugar con sus amigas allí.
Step-by-step explanation:
All the verbs are in the imperfect tense because the text talks about Elena's habits in the past. They are not specific events that occurred in a certain moment but they are things she used to do often. In general, it can be translated in English with the "used to" form, but sometimes it has to be translated to simple past, as the imperfect doesn't have a equivalent English tense.
When Elena was a little girl, she used to play with dolls and blocks and she used to read a lots of books. Also, Elena and her mother used to sing a lot. She was shy when she went to the playground but she liked playing with her friends there.