In this exercise we have to use the imperfect form of the verbs
Step-by-step explanation:
The imperfect tense is used to talk about those actions that were frequent in the past or those actons that were repeated in a specific time in the past. It is similar to the form used to in English
1. Nos enfermábamos cuando hacía mucho frío. (We used to get sick when it was cold)
2. La enfermera me ponía una inyección dos veces a la semana. (The nurse used to inject me twice a week)
3. De niño el médico me recetaba pastillas para la alergia. (The doctor used to prescribe me pill for the alergy when I was a kid)
4. Mis tías sufrían una enfermedad muy grave (My aunts used to suffer from a serious disease)
5. A Carlos le dolía el diente y se tomó una aspirina. (Charles had a toothache and he took an aspirine)
6. Cuando tenía fiebre mi madre me tomaba la temperatura. (When I had a fever, my mother used to take my temperature)
Compró unas aspirinas y se torció un tobillo
A Úrsula le dolía la garganta porque no se tomó el antibiótico
María se olvidó de que no podía tomar leche